2022 – Vol. 7 No. 1

Volumen 7, Number 1

Editor’s Note

Božo Skoko

hrv. Uloga komunikacijskih kompetencija i interkulturalne inteligencije u suvremenoj diplomaciji

engl. The Role of Communication Competences and Intercultural Intelligence in Contemporary Diplomacy  

Sažetak: Rad se bavi promjenama u načinu funkcioniranja suvremene diplomacije u kojoj sve više dolaze do izražaja komunikacijske kompetencije diplomata, poznavanje odnosa s javnošću i vještine izgradnje odnosa s ključnim javnostima u zemlji primateljici. U tom kontekstu analiziraju se nove okolnosti u kojima se odvijaju suvremeni diplomatski procesi, kao i poželjni profil i kompetencije suvremenog diplomata. Budući da je cijeli svijet pod utjecajem globalizacije sve više umrežen, a zemlje sve više ovisne i oslonjene jedna na drugu, stupanj komunikacijskih aktivnosti i odnosa među državama na svim razinama je porastao, unatoč njihovim kulturnim razlikama. Sve to zahtijeva bolje međusobno poznavanje i prilagodbu, odnosno jačanje interkulturalne inteligencije diplomata koji ih zastupaju. Stoga se poseban aspekt rada odnosi na važnost interkulturalne kompetencije suvremenih diplomata. Autor zaključuje kako su suvremeni diplomati, osim njegovanja ugleda vlastite zemlje i izgradnje mostova prema drugima i drugačijima od sebe, primorani upravljati vlastitim imidžom, za što su potrebne komunikacijske kompetencije, poznavanje strategija i tehnika odnosa s javnošću te interkulturalne inteligencije, što su ključne karakteristike suvremenih diplomatskih kompetencija.

Ključne riječi: diplomacija, komunikacija, interkulturna inteligencija, diplomat, imidž, kompetencije

Abstract: The paper deals with changes in the manner modern diplomacy functions, in which the communication competence of diplomats, knowledge of public relations and skills of building relationships with key publics in the receiving country are increasingly coming to the fore. In this context, new circumstances in which modern diplomatic processes take place are analyzed, as well as the desirable profile and competences of the modern diplomat. Since the entire world is becoming increasingly networked due to the impact of globalisation, and countries more dependent and reliant on each other, the degree of communication activities and relations between countries at all levels has increased, despite their cultural differences. All this requires better mutual knowledge and adaptation, i.e. enhancing the intercultural intelligence of diplomats who represent them. Therefore, a special aspect of the paper relates to the importance of the intercultural competence of modern diplomats. The author concludes that, in addition to nurturing the reputation of their own country and building bridges to others and those different than them, modern diplomats are forced to manage their personal image, which requires communication competences, knowledge of public relations strategies and techniques and intercultural intelligence, which are the key characteristics of modern diplomatic competences.      

Keywords: diplomacy, communication, intercultural intelligence, diplomat, image, competences

Josipa Milas, Gordana Lesinger

hrv. Odnos između percepcije oglašavanja, FOMO-a, umora od društvenih mreža i zabrinutosti za privatnost među korisnicima društvenih mreža

engl. The relationship between the perception of advertising, FOMO, social network fatigue and privacy concerns among social network users

Sažetak: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između čimbenika oglašavanja na društvenim mrežama, stavova prema društvenim mrežama, oglašavanja na društvenim mrežama, brendova i percepcije nametljivosti oglašavanja na društvenim mrežama te čimbenika ponašanja korisnika društvenih mreža (FOMO i zabrinutost za privatnost). Istraživanje je provedeno online na uzorku od 212 ispitanika, koji su digitalni domorodci u dobi od 18 do 45 godina. Za potrebe ispitivanja ovih varijabli u istraživanju je korišteno sljedeće: semantička diferencijalna ljestvica preuzeta od Elliotta i Specka (1998) za mjerenje stav prema oglašavanju, prilagođena skala intenziteta Facebooka (FBI ljestvica) (Ellison i sur., 2007.), upitnik o stavovima prema brendovima (Bearden i sur., 2011.), prilagođena skala intruzije medija (Li i sur., 2002.). ), Gartner Inc. (2011.) verzija upitnika o privatnosti društvenih mreža, hrvatska verzija Fear of Missing Out Scale – FoMOs (Omajec i Čorkalo Biruški, 2020.), Gartner Inc. (2011.) verzija društvenih mreža skala zamora medija. Rezultati pokazuju da su pozitivni stavovi prema oglašavanju, više razine zabrinutosti za privatnost i FOMO prediktori veće razine zamora od društvenih mreža, dok se stavovi prema društvenim mrežama i percepcija nametljivosti nisu pokazali značajnim prediktorima zamora od društvenih mreža. Provedbom hijerarhijske regresijske analize utvrđen je medijacijski učinak FOMO-a na odnos između stava prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama, stava prema brendovima i umora od društvenih mreža, dok je značaj medijacije potvrđen Sobelovim testom. U radu se opisuju nalazi, ograničenja istraživanja i daju prijedlozi za buduća istraživanja.

Ključne riječi: zamor društvenih mreža, oglašavanje, zabrinutost zbog privatnosti, FOMO

Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between factors of social network advertising, attitudes towards social networks, social network advertising, brands and perception of intrusiveness of social network advertising, and factors of social networks user behaviour (FOMO and privacy concerns). The research was conducted online on a sample of 212 respondents, who are digital natives aged 18 to 45. For the purpose of examining these variables the following was used in the research: a semantic differential scale taken from Elliott and Speck (1998) to measure the attitude towards advertising, an adjusted Facebook Intensity Scale (FBI scale) (Ellison et al., 2007), a questionnaire on attitudes towards brands (Bearden et al., 2011), an adjusted media intrusion scale (Li et al., 2002), the Gartner Inc. (2011) version of the social network privacy questionnaire, the Croatian version of the Fear of Missing Out Scale – FoMOs (Omajec and Čorkalo Biruški, 2020), and the Gartner Inc. (2011) version of the social media fatigue scale. The results indicate that positive attitudes towards advertising, higher levels of privacy concerns and FOMO are predictors of higher levels of social network fatigue, while attitudes towards social networks and perceptions of intrusiveness did not prove to be significant predictors of social network fatigue. The implementation of hierarchical regression analysis revealed the mediating effect of FOMO on the relationship between the attitude towards social network advertising, the attitude towards brands and social network fatigue, while the significance of mediation was verified by the Sobel test. The paper describes the findings, research limitations and offers suggestions for future research.

Keywords: Social network fatigue, advertising, privacy concerns, FOMO

Vlatka Šelimber, Sanja Milković Šipek

hrv. Sindrom izgaranja kod zaposlenika Odnosa s javnošću u Hrvatskoj

engl. Burnout Syndrome in Public Relations Employees in Croatia

Sažetak: Ovaj rad istražuje pojavu sindroma sagorijevanja kod zaposlenika odnosa s javnošću i korelaciju njegove pojave s radnim uvjetima, osjećajem subjektivne dobrobiti, sukobom radne i obiteljske uloge te doživljajem promjena u organizaciji rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Rezultati su pokazali da gotovo polovica ispitanika pokazuje određenu razinu sagorijevanja na poslu, pri čemu je visok stupanj sagorijevanja otkriven kod 16,3%. Zaposlenici koji doživljavaju višu razinu totalnog sagorijevanja manje su zadovoljni plaćom i organizacijom posla, negativnije ocjenjuju radnu atmosferu, češće izvještavaju o pritisku rokova, češće se osjećaju opterećeni poslom, a definiciju radnih zadataka ocjenjuju kao nedovoljna. Totalno sagorijevanje negativno je povezano sa svim aspektima subjektivnog blagostanja, au pogledu osjećaja sukoba radne i obiteljske uloge uočen je trend viših rezultata u skupini ispitanika bez djece. Promjene u organizaciji rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19 ispitanici su uglavnom ocijenili pozitivnijima.

Ključne riječi: odnosi s javnošću, sindrom sagorijevanja, uvjeti rada, COVID-19 subjektivna dobrobit, konflikt rad – obitelj

Abstract: This paper explores the occurrence of burnout syndrome in public relations employees and the correlation of its occurrence with working conditions, feeling of subjective well-being, conflict of work and family role and experience of changes in work organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that almost half of the respondents showed a certain level of burnout at work, with a a high degree of burnout detected in 16.3%. Employees who experience a higher level of total burnout show less satisfaction with salary and organisation of work, more negatively assess the working atmosphere, report more often on the pressure of deadlines, more often feel burdened by work, and assess the definition of work tasks as insufficient. Total burnout is negatively associated with all aspects of subjective well-being, and in terms of the feeling of conflict between the work and family role, a trend of higher results was observed in the group of respondents without children. Respondents assessed changes in work organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic as more positive for the most part.

Keywords: public relations, burnout syndrome, working conditions, COVID-19 subjective well-being, work-family conflict

Karlo Kanajet

hrv. Lobiranje kao grana odnosa s javnošću

engl. Lobbying as a Branch of Public Relations

Sažetak: Lobiranje je široko rasprostranjena praksa zastupanja interesa među donositeljima odluka. Unatoč tome, nedovoljno je teorijski obrađena. Ovaj rad zastupa pristup da se lobiranje najtočnije može shvatiti kao grana odnosa s javnošću. Stoga se terminologija važna za lobiranje uspoređuje s terminologijom iz teorije odnosa s javnošću. Pokazalo se da je, u okviru pitanja regulative, tema transparentnosti bitna za oba područja. Utjecaj kao bitna odrednica lobiranja, s obzirom na težinu definiranja, može se usporediti s publicitetom. Utvrđeno je da se i ovaj pojam preklapa s kategorijama uvjeravanja i “meke moći”. Još jedno preklapajuće područje prikazano je na primjeru usporedbe interesnih skupina i dionika, pri čemu je princip organiziranosti bitan kako u lobiranju tako iu odnosima s javnošću. Posljednji argument u korist definiranja lobiranja kao grane odnosa s javnošću ističe se u korištenju identičnih tehnika i alata, prvenstveno rasprava.

Ključne riječi: lobiranje, odnosi s javnošću, regulacija, utjecaj, interesne skupine, tehnike

Abstract: Lobbying is the widespread practice of advocating interests among decision-makers. In spite of this, it is insufficiently theoretically addressed. This paper takes the approach that lobbying can be most accurately understood as a branch of public relations. Therefore, terminology important for lobbying is compared with terminology from public relations theory. It has been demonstrated that, within the framework of the issue of regulation, the topic of transparency is essential for both areas. Influence as an important determinant of lobbying, given the difficulty of defining, can be compared with publicity. It was found that this term also overlaps with the categories of persuasion and “soft power”. Another overlapping area was shown on the example of comparison of interest groups and stakeholders, in which the principle of organisation is essential both in lobbying and in public relations. The last argument in favour of defining lobbying as a branch of public relations is highlighted in the use of identical techniques and tools, primarily discussions.

Keywords: lobbying, public relations, regulation, influence, interest groups, techniques

Ivan Jurković, Krešimir Dabo

hrv. Analiza stavova čitatelja o lažnim vijestima u elektroničkim publikacijama tijekom pandemije COVID-19

engl. Analysis of Readers’ Attitudes about Fake News in Electronic Publications during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sažetak: Dolaskom pandemije u medijskom prostoru pojavljuje se značajan broj lažnih vijesti, što je i problem istraživanja ovog rada. Cilj rada je provjeriti jesu li čitatelji elektroničkih publikacija upoznati s pojmom lažnih vijesti i mogu li ih prepoznati. Metoda istraživanja korištena u radu je upitnik na nevjerojatnom, prigodnom uzorku ispitanika, koji daje podatke o informiranosti ispitanika o pojmu lažne vijesti, povjerenju ispitanika prema vijestima s internetskih izvora te informiranosti ispitanika. ispitanicima o tome kako mogu doprinijeti sprječavanju širenja lažnih vijesti. Rezultati su pokazali visoku razinu prepoznavanja lažnih vijesti u elektroničkim publikacijama, međutim, bez reakcije prijavljivanja istih. Upravo je ovaj korak dio rješenja, jer individualni čitatelj, koji je dio komunikacijskog procesa, danas ima mogućnost dvosmjerne komunikacije s medijima. Obrazovanjem čitatelja o njihovim mogućnostima pojedinac može postati aktivni sudionik u sprječavanju širenja lažnih vijesti. Stoga rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu otvoriti prostor za daljnje analize o mogućnostima implementacije naprednijih rješenja na razini države, odnosno zakonskih okvira, obrazovnih institucija te na razini novinarske profesije za jačanje medijske pismenosti.

Ključne riječi: lažne vijesti, čitatelj, elektroničke publikacije, COVID-19, medijska pismenost

Abstract: With the advent of the pandemic, a significant number of fake news items appears in the media space, which is the research problem of this paper. The aim of the paper is to check whether readers of electronic publications are informed about the concept of fake news and can recognize it. The research method used in the paper is a questionnaire on a non-probability, convenience sample of respondents, which provides data on the informedness of respondents about the concept of fake news, the trust of respondents towards news from Internet sources, and the informadness of respondents about how they can contribute to preventing the spread of fake news. The results showed a high level of recognition of fake news in electronic publications, however, without the reaction of reporting them. This step is precisely a part of the solution, because the individual reader, who is part of the communication process, today has the possibility of two-way communication with the media. By educating readers about their options, an individual can become an active participant in preventing the spread of fake news. Therefore, the results of this research can open space for further analysis on the possibilities of implementing more advanced solutions at the level of the state, i.e. legal frameworks, educational institutions, and at the level of the journalistic profession for strengthening media literacy.

Keywords: fake news, reader, electronic publications, COVID-19, media literacy

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The Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences is the first in Croatia to carry out comprehensive specialised education in communication management and public relations.

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