Submission Guidelines
Instructions for Authors
Communication Management Review welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. It considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that the manuscript is your own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work; the manuscript has been submitted only to Communication Management Review; it is not under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in press or published elsewhere. The manuscript must not contain any libellous or unlawful statements or in any way infringe the rights of others. Authors are invited to submit their articles through the open journal system available here.
Ethical Guidelines
All authors must declare that they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted manuscript. Authors must declare all potential competing interests involving people or organizations that might reasonably be perceived as relevant. Plagiarism in any form constitutes a serious violation of the most basic principles of scholarship and cannot be tolerated. To avoid a plagiarism, all submitted papers will undergo for check using a plagiarism tool Unicheck.
Review Policy
All manuscripts shall undergo a double blind reviewing policy, where both the double-blind peer reviewer and author remain anonymous throughout the process.
Manuscripts should be written in English or Croatian. Both American and British English are accepted, but not the mixture of these.
Article Structure
Manuscripts should be between 5000 and 6000 words in length (including references, tables and figures). Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman font; size 12; 1.5 line spacing; all pages should be numbered appropriately. The text of the article should include the following: title page, abstract, keywords, main text; acknowledgements, references, appendices, tables with captions; figure captions (as a list). Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
The title phrase should be brief.
List authors’ full names, affiliations of authors (position, department, name of institution, full postal address), e-mails and phone numbers of all authors. One author should be identified as the corresponding author.
Please supply a short biographical note for each author (approximately 100 words per author) and a photograph.
The abstract should be less than 150 words. It should have approximately six key words. The abstract and keywords should be submitted in both English and Croatian language.
Tables and figures
Tables should have a short descriptive title above the table.
Figures / graphs should have a short descriptive title below the figures / graphs.
The unit of measurement used in a table should be stated.
Tables, figures / graphs should be numbered consecutively.
Figures/graphs should be prepared in GIF, TIFF or JPEG.
Tables and figures /graphs should be appropriately cited in the manuscript.
Reference Style
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the style of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition. References must be incorporated into the text (not in end note format).
Direct quotation – use quotation marks around the quote and include page numbers
Michelson and Stacks (2007: 3) contended “it has long been held by public relations practitioners that public relations media placements have a relative value advantage over advertising when the message is employed by both or similar” in a multiplier effect.
Indirect quotation/paraphrasing – no quotation marks. Page numbers are optional when paraphrasing, although it is useful to include them.
Example: Wright and Hinson (2009) categorize social media tools to include the following: blogs, forums or message boards, micro-blogging sites, photo sharing sites, podcasts, RSS (really simple syndication), search engine marketing/results, social bookmarking, social networking sites, video sharing sites, and Wikis.
Citations from a secondary source
As Hall (1977) asserts, “culture also defines boundaries of different groups” (as cited in Samovar, Porter, 1997: 14).
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
Reference list
References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper.
Tomić, Z. (2008). Public relations: theory and practice. Zagreb, Sarajevo: Synopsis.
Book with two or more authors:
Heath, R., Coombs, T. (2006). Today’s Public Relations – An Introduction. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Book chapter in edited book:
Sriramesh, K., Verčič, D. (2012). Introduction. In: Sriramesh, K., Verčič, D. (Eds.), Culture and public relations: Links and implications (pp. 1-7). New York and London: Routledge.
Journal article – academic/scholarly:
Stohl, C., Cheney, G. (2001). Participatory Processes/Paradoxical Practices: Communication and the Dilemmas of Organizational Democracy. Management Communication Quarterly, 14(3), 349-407.